ADF 1.2 in action
Angular 2 3D Viewer
Marble boing VR
Link Game
In the '90s we thought that Virtual reality was the last frontier but after a while, it disappeared but now VR is back to stay! There are many devices for sale on the market such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and many others will be released soon such as PlayStation VR. Another way to experience virtual reality without spending a fortune is by using a headset which is compatible with your smartphone. So the first step to realise my first 3D game was to buy a cheap 3D headset for mobile phones such as the one you see below. Once I bought my new 3D viewer on eBay for just...Web Components Introduction
Best Pratice
Here we are, my blog officially opens today! Today, I have decided to share with you how I realized my arcade cocktail table. It all started with ​​my brother's idea. He saw some very nice online arcade tables but the cost was really excessive, so I said CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.. I'll do It by myself! I went down in my Batcave and I started up my laptop and I made a 3DSMAX schema with the first prototype of the table. After completing these two pieces of 3D contemporary art I wrongly thought that the project was completed but in fact, It was just the beginning, so I slept on...